Business InfoCard


The E-Clips System solves a multitude of material display problems. The high quality aircraft aluminum and steel construction will stand up to the rigors of crowds. Unlike the easel with three legs, the E-Clips with a single leg takes up very little floor space and is very stable. Your media requires no backing since it is held from the top. It will hold anything from rice paper to foam core board. The E-Clips will hold up to 5 pounds

E-Clips Information Solutions
phone:  (734) 665-2046

Business Cards OnLine

"Tell your story. Sell your Products."

But remember a Picture is still worth 1000 words?

This Business InfoCard is 

FREE for 3 months.

When you pay $90.00 for 1 save $30.00 


This Standard Virtual Business Card Product Display 

is great for testing the internet.

Just $120.00 per year for set up and 12 months of hosting.  You get a picture plus a 1000 words of text to describe your product or service 

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E-mail Address:

Postal mail:


20159 Lassen St.

Chatsworth, Ca 91311

Telephone: 877.642.3337

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